Thyroid Nodules
- Thyroid Nodules 1
- Thyroid Nodules 2
If a patient presents with a palpable thyroid nodule, the functionality of the nodule must be determined by performing thyroid functiuon tests.
If the patient is biochemically thyrotoxic or has a biochemical pattern of suppressed TSH with a normal T4 or T3 level, a 99m Tc scan will differentiate between a developing autonomous nodule (see 'Toxic uninodular goitre' ) or a non functioning nodule in a patient with Graves’ disease (see 'Graves disease in a nodular goitre' ).
Non functioning nodules should be assessed with fine needle aspiration.

Image A: Thyroid Cyst

Image B: 99m Tc Thyroid scan: Non functioning cold nodule
Move your mouse over the image to see a larger version.
If the nodule is non functioning in an otherwise normal gland with normal thyroid function tests, an ultrasound examination will distinguish between a cystic lesion (Image A) or a solid lesion (Image B). Both should be evaluated with fine needle aspiration.